Monday, July 28, 2008

Jessie Being Jessie

I managed to get a post on Jessie's blog regarding the ongoing issue of Rockland Industries. Those who know Striar (Danny to Jessie) realize the extend of personal damage he has caused. Dan Striar contributed significant amounts of money locally - the "Y,", Mayflower playground, his family donated a wildlife area and I could go on and on. I consider this nothing more than clear conscious money. His attempt to, like the industrialist of old, to buy a stairway to heaven or a Strair-way to heaven which is the term I have used in letters to the "Y." and PERSONALLY to Dan Strair. Some, like myself, wrote letters to the Old Colony "Y" asking that contributions be refused. Got nowhere. Some of us have experienced the consequences of ALS first hand. A gruesome disease in that it robs the body but not the mind. There is enough evidence to show that the actions of Rockland Industries contributed to this in Middleboro.

I am a runner. I run trails. In the late 70s I was issued a no trespass order for the Rockland Industries site since I would occasionally run on or near the area. Think I still have it somewhere or possibly sent it to Vic Sylvia. A memento. Long time ago and the mind just does not function well with us old folks. I have personally seen questionable practices on that site. I have reported it and so have others and virtually nothing was done. Somewhere in Vic Sylvia’s files will be a write up on this which I sent to him. Vic saved everything and I hope that somewhere that piece of information may have helped him. Here is Jessie's reply to my post and my return volley.

bogo aka Rick McNair,

I appreciate that you are reading my posts, but don't appreciate your levity.

As they say, 'don't quit your day job.'

Ooops! You don't have a day job!

While you were self-absorbed, others were absorbing chemicals that caused some pretty horrendous diseases like Lou Gehrig's (ALS).

ALS is a gruesome death sentence that seems linked to the chemicals Danny Striar knowingly buried and concealed.

The advantage of moderated comments is that I don't have to post them all. (And rest assured, not all of them are posted.)

I have neither the time nor the inclination to address nonsense and would suggest that you continue to post your unproductive nonsense on topix where no one reads it.

Thanks for reading.

Jessie...if anyone knows toxic it is you and that has also been well documented. I enjoy your blog....quite DC comics. Just remember your track record of dysfunctional behavior towards others and posting of false data and, of course, refusal to acknowledge it. I guess that classifies as nonsense? I guess that time and inclination does not extend to your research? Comes back, doesn't it? But occasionally you strike a cord of truth and Dan (Danny to you) was one. You know that from back in the day when we actually communicated - you know, back before I found out you were a liar. I remember a long conversation at the "Y" about Dan (Danny to you)and the Rockland site. Right on the exercise bike, Jessie. Forty minutes at least. I even mentioned his picture hanging on the wall at the "Y" and what I had done regarding his contribution. Even mentioned what I had done in the past. Letters, talking to Dan (Danny to you), battles with his hospital system and even sending info to Vic. You must have forgotten. I know you told me about the transfer of dirt from the site to the soccer field and I mentioned I was unaware of it. Might not even be true knowing your track record of honesty. You said some other stuff about Jack regarding this issue. Won't bother saying what since it is of little importance. Just wanted to establish a track record on this topic so that you realize that some old folks don't forget. That you, Jessie, were, at least aware superficially, that I had actually done something on this issue. Not as much as I should have.

For some reason being retired seems to actually be an issue with you, Jessie. Why is that? Seems to be the same with one of your toxic twins or triplets, also. Guess I should be ashamed for working for 45 years. Nasty old me. LOL.

Sometimes idiots mention things like the death sentence of ALS WITHOUT knowing how it has struck their family personally. I just chalk that up to the continuing ignorance of Jessie. Or is ir arrogance of Jessie? Guess both really fit. But, then again, maybe you forgot about my aunt, Jessie? Told you all about her. You must have had that slip your mind, Jessie. Getting old is tough.

I found the issue on Dan (Danny to you) quite interesting. But, then again, that goes way, way back before you honored Middleboro with your self important passion for causes. Some of us were self absorbed a long time ago. You know that quite well.

I like Topix, Jessie, since it seems a number of posters have you pegged. I'm just glad that on nemasket I managed to make a significant contribution to your political evisceration. At least you are concentrating on more "productive" blogging rather than your long history of personal attacks on others - leave that to me with my occasional posts regading you. By the way...have you removed your links to Mike? Didn't think so. So much for the moral high ground, Jessie. LOL!

Now, back to waiting for the pension checks to arrive. Work hard CFO toxic posters, especially Jessie- you do work, Jessie? as old Bogo (AKA Bratbird/therealraven) needs the money. Keep SS solvent!

1 comment:

anonymous said...

She puts your name up on her comments every once in awhile. You destroyed her and that is obvious. No doubt she is busy running your financials and trying to do a CORI check on you. That's what she does to everyone. Try to dig up stuff to go in that direction. Woman is just a pest who when facts don't work tries gossip. Everyone who was once with her has had their ear bent listening to her yap on and on about others which is why she has such a small following. Her and Mary make the perfect pair.

Maybe she'll have her camera out like she did for you neighbor?