Friday, August 7, 2009

Green School Project

Jane Lopes had an excellent story in The Gazette regarding the current Green School project. What this does show is that community leadership can step up when a worthy project is at hand and solve the problem or make it more palatable.

Lincoln Andrews, a former BOS and Planning Board member, spearheaded this project and brought together the necessary resources to make an assessment of the worthiness of the project and, if so, the feasibility of proceeding with the necessary rescue.

Mr. Andrews was quite clear that the project was not and all or nothing. If the opinion of respected professionals gave it a thumbs down then that would put an end to it. No illusions on his part.

I have to congratulate him and the other dinosaurs or maybe Good old boy network for their organizational skills, fund raising abilities and realistic approach to a needed project. A tip of the fedora as Bob Coyne would say to Lincoln, Rich Young, Neil Rosenthal and Bruce Atwood.

Fund raising will continue as this project is far from over and more cash will be needed. If you have not sent in your contribution please note the sidebar on this blog. If you have not made a pledge please do so.


Suo Mynona said...

It is astounding how much of the Green School history Mr. Maddigan, the town's historian, has compiled. He provides keen insight what it was like to live in the town during the the late 1800s

The sight covers many topics.

The next time you frive by the school you can see the progress being made. The pile of fuel oil impacted soil is in the front and covered with black plastic. The polyethylene has some interesting graffiti spray painting as well.

Everyone can take some away some enjoyment and pleasure at what is happening with this historical little gem.

We can all look forward to our children attending the school and experience life in a one room school house. Things can be learned that a text book will never teach.

We will be providing a full update at Mondays BOS meeting @ 7:15 pm.

Wally Glendye said...

This shows that the residents can work together for the sake of this town while disagreeing on the issue of casinos.

Great job everybody!