Saturday, April 18, 2009


Joe Fitzgerald said it best: “Doesn’t he understand that some behavior is simply unacceptable, including the intentional paralyzing of the heavily traveled Turnpike on Easter weekend by public employees who do not give a damn about the public?”

The above was directed at Governor Patrick and one side of the economic downturn is the public is getting a first hand look at the level of cronyism, corruption and abuse that exists in Massachusetts. I continue to be amazed at some hammer away at our local politicians but ignore this. Maybe it’s because most of those in state government have that D besides their name. Nothing like being selective.

On the state level the big thing is revenue and that means more regressive taxes. Don’t worry - it’s for the children.

I favor gambling but not a casino in Middleboro. NIMBY? You bet! Place slots at race tracks or open up a casino elsewhere and I have no issue with it. Maybe CFM should change their name to Slots Free Massachusetts? Good luck with that. As they say - “Ka-Ching!”

Jamie Foxx caused a bit of a stir with some of his comments on Miley Cyrus. Bit over the top for trashing a 16 year old. Then again Rap is to music as a snuff movie is to the cinema.

Post away.


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Suo Mynona said...

Bogo, Bogo, Bogo:

In the immortalized words from Let me educate you from the misconceptions from which you suffer.

It is King Philip not Phillip

On the Way said...

3rd full day off real ciggs, went out and walked and jogged 2 miles this morning.

My goal was just to get out there and do it.

Won't be long till I'm jogging those trails with you...

bogofree said...

Woe is me, Suo, for that obvious flaw. But - an excuse! I was speaking about my friend - Clark Phillip - going to war for the king. Just got "confused."

2 miles.

Years ago I use to go to DW Fields Park in Brockton for early morning training runs. I started running with a few others and they talked about this guy called "Fatso." He'd run while smoking and also I was told the fatter he got the faster he got. Saw him a few times at DW. Anyways, There was the first race I ever got in and it was - I think - the Visiting Nurses Association race. Maybe 300 runners and most of the course went through the park. Fatso was there. I passed him at the 2 mile mark and he was puffing away while one of his kids was on a bike following him. Kid was giving him beer.

I'll look forward to going out on some trails.

On the Way said...

When you do a trail, How long and what distance do you go for?

bogofree said...

2 miles.

Some of the trails inter connect and can go for hundreds of miles so you just do part of it. There are plenty of trails around here that I run. Now, find out your time as I run by time and not miles. So if you are waddling your fat butt at a 12 minute mile pace you get an idea of how far you have run. I'll run 35-60 minutes. Depends on how I feel. With the base I have built up I could easily go for two hours if I felt in that mode. Trouble is that mode is not there with any consistency. I also monitor my running based on injuries I have collected. Best to use caution so long runs of 2+ hours are out.

Make sure you do some alternate exercise such as a bike. Take a day off after three straight days. Best response to an injury is rest.

bogofree said...

Just got back from the "Y" and a ride on the staionary bike. Have still got this cold and have not exercised for two weeks so I figured what the heck. Wife is nuts over it because of potential stress to the heart. Hey, I have a life insurance policy. Think of it like the lottery.

Anyways, it felt good working up a nice sweat and will hop in the tub for a good soak. Feels no different for the cold.

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