Monday, May 16, 2016


Rocky Gutter Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is a wonderful place to visit – as long as you have a GPS and the proper attire since it is clearly part of the mandate by Fish & Game (DFG) to “Go natural.”
The area consists of almost 2,000 acres and has a road – Rocky Gutter Street – that cuts through the middle. Rocky Gutter Street is under the control of the town, is about two miles long, and one would now need an armored all-purpose military vehicle to go the length of the road provided the gates were open.
The real issue is DFG which has a policy of not maintaining WMA’s unless the roadways are absolutely necessary and that means several smaller roads and trails are now fully overgrown of in that process of returning to nature – thus eliminating miles of trails that could be used by the public and hunters. This I found out is their policy.
DFG is also in the process of bringing “Snake Island” to the folks in the Quabbin Reservoir area, but that is now on hold after word leaked out and a public outcry ensued. No matter how they dance and sing the DFG cannot possibly put any legitimate narrative to that little fiasco. But, hey, I don’t need to list the upper echelon of DFG except to say that the “Ex” appears before their names and that ex is associated with being former members of our legislative branch. No doubt all have the usual pristine credentials for such positions.
For those who have resided in Middleboro long enough Rocky Gutter WMA was once – note once – an exceptional place for trail biking, hiking, trail running, hunting and wildlife observation. So just bring it back. Make a policy change. If the DFG can manufacture an island for an “endangered species” how about engineering Rocky Gutter for human use.
Each day a new revelation comes forward that clearly demonstrates the autocratic methods and arrogance of the failed Obama administration. The latest is the insidious methods used to manipulate the narrative surrounding the Iranian nuclear deal and thus put at risk not only the United States but potentially the planet. This administration would make Herr Goebbels proud
Locally a he said and she said is currently in full flight over the compost station – if it is that – that is on River Street. Various government entities are pursuing the matter and one Selectman – Allin Frawley – already made a few too many public statements that could now backfire on the BOS. The compost legal team has latched onto that opportunity to cause some deflection off the core issue and that can only muddle the waters a bit more.
The nationwide uprising over Common Core continues and even former supporters such as Jeb Bush – scion of a failed political family – has done a political U-turn as has Hillary Clinton. This is not exactly a right-wing revolt but one that crosses the line politically on a national scale. Education has traditionally been local even with the federal government exerting more influence and in Massachusetts with the incredible success of MCAS it is even more apparent.
The base argument is one of national standards and that brings up Massachusetts. Why should we do it? We already have success that matches our little province up with the notorious test manipulators in the Far East. Maybe just adopt MCAS nationwide?
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump represent a liars marathon for all to view. The email scandal, Benghazi, siphoning of foreign monies to her charitable fund, questionable speeches before financial groups, idiotic accusations to protect her roving spouse and on and on. This is presidential material? And the items I mentioned are just the favorable ones!
Then comes Trump.
What can one say? Where to begin? I have no idea what motivates Mr. Bluster? The only thing I have dredged up I could possibly agree on Trump with is his refusal to release his tax returns. That foolishness has long been a “stunt” that offers no value and maybe Trump will break that cycle of knee-jerk stupidity.
Bernie Sanders will carry his war to the convention and I wish him well. Bernie is real and he is honest – at least in my view. Of course, his presidency could potentially be a fiscal negative for me since Sanders is a well-known advocate for income distribution in the classic “Progressive” tradition. For a translation that simply means you punish success and reward failure – the liberal mantra of the last 30 years. John Stuart Mill would certainly not recognize what has happened to the concept of traditional liberalism.
Progressives are loaded with bad ideas and all one has to do is find “taxes.” The supposed saints of the poor and middle class have traditionally supported the most punitive of tax structures for those two groups – sales taxes, sin taxes, and gas taxes. Of course, the logic is the funds will always get directed to specific needs such as education and infrastructure, but the reality is they simply end up in general funds to feed the machine.
The latest bright bulb to come out is a millionaire’s tax to target those who have actually been on the upper tiers of financial and business success. And – naturally – the additional taxes has all the catch words to make it seem palatable to the Hoi Polloi in that it will be directed to education – sure it will. Once that level of confiscation takes place I will gladly wager any money I have left that the threshold will be lowered incrementally until a back door raid on our flat tax system has been completed.
Why do we need the extra taxes? Is there some level of structural incompetence within our government that ignores fiscal reality and continues to value cronyism, questionable hiring’s, poor or non-existent accountability and just plain mega waste? Why – of course not! This is Massachusetts, where we have the best government money can buy.

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