Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramblings or Bogo Remembers?

Just a few ramblings on my part while I lock in another air conditioner. I hate this muggy heat but love to run in it.

Ted Kennedy is beating the political bushes to get to name his successor. How often has that law been changed? Original change I understand was to prevent a Republican governor from appointing someone to President Kerry’s senate seat. Maybe the totally failed governor Deval “One And Out” Patrick will name himself? One way to get rid of a problem is to dump it on someone else.

Copyright laws are so confusing and it looks like fellow blogger and runner, BB, has walked into a violation - or is that run into a violation? Always count on Mark to do something once a month or so. As a side note old BB was very impressive in his first conditioning run.

The Wild Card race is heating up for the Red Sox and a brutal homestand is in the works. Thankfully the Rangers have figured out ways to blow big leads at home. With the emergence of Buchholz Sox may have three solid starters down the stretch. I’m scheduled to go to KC in late September for a series and hope it actually means something.

WOW has woefully underestimated the ire of the American people with his health care or insurance reform or whatever. As usual the anointed one thought that his sloganeering and rhetoric would save the day but now the great middle has become use to his act and skeptics have blossomed. . This will be a major failure of this administration.

Have a friend in Nebraska who mentioned that the state is now taxing cash for clunkers rebates. How did our cash hungry vultures in Boston miss that one?

No tax free holiday this year thanks to an inefficient, corrupt and confused state government. Last year we had a wish list that amounted to over $2,000 spent. This Sunday we’ll be going to New Hampshire and will stop at the state liquor store upon our return. More lost revenue. Any large purchases will be made via same route. Maybe the border patrols will be out?

Casino in Middleboro may now be a non tribe operation according to the local version of the NY Times - The Enterprise. Never EVER count out this group of investors. Big mistake thinking “victory” is here - they will be like getting dog crap on your sneakers as you will never get it out. They’ll resurface and if the economy perks up get ready for the real fight.


anonymous said...

LMCAO! I wondered what is this with Bogo Remembers? Then I see JP has added a new blog called Middleboro Remembers.

Suo Mynona said...
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Suo Mynona said...
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Suo Mynona said...


****What is an ACP?****

BB once again has risen to a new level of hypocrisy. BB was THE ONLY PERSON to PUBLICLY say he was contributing to the Green School. He did not send in his in his "50 bucks."

Everyone else has chosen, and has been kept, anonymous (with the exception of Bruce, Neil and myself.)

It is not hypocritical for calling him out on his delinquency. I would not say anything if he did not PUBLICLY take credit on his blogged he would donate money. He relinquished his anonymity and reneged on his pledge.

It is ironic that he pledged 50 bucks. It is the exact amount he says is nothing for everyone else to pay in extra -- non deductible -- property taxes for the CPA which he calls CPANOW!!!!.

If BB is unable to afford the 50 bucks then failing to send to make good on his pledge is acceptable. I just hope he then has more sympathy for others' that are struggling.

The rest of US put OUR actions and/or money where OUR hearts and money were: to save the Green School. WE accomplished the task and saved the town many thousands of dollars in the process.

Notice I said "WE." The Green School has been an ACP. ACT OF COMMUNITY PRESERVATION.

Suo Mynona said...
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Suo Mynona said...

***BB the CPA Czar***

BB does nothing himself and denigrates others' efforts to enhance the town.

He did nothing on the CPA - something he claims is important enough for a tax - besides standing at the post office for a day and holding a sham of a meeting. I went to his meeting to ask legitimate questions but was "gaveled down" by the CPA Czar. Questions clearly were not wanted.

In true Czar fashion he wants you pay for him.

BB became all upset when there was a public meeting held to discuss the CPA issue, and blamed falsely blamed others for it demise. It just gave him an excuse to quit. I am still waiting for the video he promised from the ONLY public meeting held on the CPA.

bogofree said...

I'll kick in the $50.

Went to Clark's Trading Post in New Hamshire yesterday. I was looking for a certain good friend of someone who was named Clark. No success.

Suo Mynona said...

Sorry for all the misspellings above, but I have been busy with real world stuff.

********GOOD NEWS***********

All the DEP paperwork has been filed on time. Tier One classification was avoided. The Green School is now officially a clean site.

Structural work progresses on the school with donated money. Stop by and take a look.

We continue to receive unsolicited money. Later I'll provide examples of the reasons people have donated.

As promised I shall keep all donations anonymous.

LMAO said...

This is really funny. He has not paid when publicly he said he would. Bogo says he'll make up the money. LMCAO!

bogofree said...

Check out Heckuva as Hal has an interesting column on AB.

Just got back from New Hampshire and the savings by making yearly booze purchase at state liguor store was $30. Why would anyone living in Massachusetts within easy driving distance of NH even shop in this state?

anonymous said...

How come CPA failed and the Green School project worked out? Maybe it all comes down to not beating up those who disagree with you.

When you trash the BOS by allowing links to the likes of MT and JP and allowing constant harping on those who are giving their time, effortand good intentions it sends a signal that is clear. BB is viewed as a negative and not a positive force. Suo is.

Suo Mynona said...
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Suo Mynona said...

****The Coroner****


BB lives for negativity. Most of Bumpkin's Coroner articles do nothing but accentuate his disheartening view of people.

Recall Gulliver's Travels? He is the equivalent of the pessimistic Lilliputian named Glum; whose constant comment was "Oh no we'll never make it." BB just takes it to another level -- especially if you are not in lockstep with the coroner.

Ever noticed how BB, the man who loves music, does not comment on our own Middleboro Music Nights -- the epitome of a community activity.

Could it be because he does not like the organizers? Instead he talks about driving to Fall River for music. Hypocrisy

If history is any judge, "Bumpkin's Coroner" will say how bad we all are, belong to the worse generation and are destroying Middleboro.

BB will never participate in Town Committees. It fits his personality to just whine.

Hopefully BB will surprise everyone this week with positive comments about Middleboro and the residents.

If history indicates the future, the coroner will insult you because you live here. Afterall he thinks we are "yokels" and generally agrees we are third rate dipsh*t citizens (his words not mine.)

anonymous said...

IMO much of this is casino spin off and BB was and still is part of a hard core fringe group of haters that came out of this issue. Seems that the negative is always the first order of business.

Suo Mynona said...
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Suo Mynona said...
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Suo Mynona said...

***BB Coughs It Up***


Belanger tried to quietly slide his unstamped envelope of 50 bucks into my US Mail Box. I was not home.

Why the sudden inspiration to live up to his pledge after my earlier posts?

My guess is he plans to try and revive CPANOW!!!! When he saw my earlier posts he thought "I AM GOING TO LOOK EVEN MORE CLARKIN' STUPID ON THIS ONE THAN TRESPASSING FOR TURKEY FEATHERS"

Hopefully I am wrong. If I am then I will owe him an apology. But I think I have him pegged.

In the mean time, thanks for the donation BB.

bogofree said...

Illegal to drop non mail items off in a mailbox. LMCAO!

Suo Mynona said...

**BB's Newest Insult to Middleboro Residents**

This guy just has to keep on insulting everyone who lives in the town.

His Words:

"It's Middleboro on a larger scale - a bunch of uninformed numbskulls.."

So now BB says we are all

*uninformed numbskulls
*3rd rate dipsh*t citizens
*and on, and on

It is so sad that he has to denigrate everyone in the town. I am like virtually everyone that lives here. I choose to live here because of the wonderful people.

We are blessed with so many positive people partaking in positive activities on a myriad of levels. The people we call friends and neighbors he considers uninformed dipsh*t numbskulls.


It must be very difficult for BB, a social and intellectual giant, to live amongst us ordinary folk.

He should consider moving to Milton or Dover where he can thrive amongst his lofty peers.

anonymous said...

Get a load of BB's blog ripping into Hal! The real issue is that BB is guilty. He did infringe. He did trespass. Now as far as Hal anything BB said about him I agree with. What say Bogo?

bogofree said...

Anon: I find the latest exchanges between Hal and BB quite enjoyable. Now that BB was shed some pounds it will be a good match up to see who stuffs who into a locker.

I can imagine a wealth of material for my idiot posts sidebar. I was in a quandry and thought I would have to use my very own. The best so far is Bumpkin then using Hal's picture without permission.

When this goes to court the judge will have both pay a fine for various infringements - say a penny for each violation based on hits. They both walk away with about a buck.

Anonymous said...

LMCAO you people are way funny.

LMAO said...

The Hal and BB sideshow is a real local gem. Talk about something where you hope they both get creamed.

Suo Mynona said...
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Suo Mynona said...

**BB, Did You Fudge the Truth IN PRINT?**

Refer to my post made August 26, 2009 5:49 AM.

BB slid the check into my mailbox on Monday afternoon after I called him out.

I bet BB had already written and submitted his column where he said "I CONTRIBUTED MONEY MYSELF" Was going to take credit with out donating?

Like I said, I have this guy pegged. When he saw my post he probably thought "I AM GOING TO LOOK EVEN MORE CLARKIN' STUPID ON THIS ONE THAN TRESPASSING FOR TURKEY FEATHERS"

Tell me I wrong BB. Please say that you donated your money before you submitted your article to the Gazette.

Please say it was purely coincidental that you donated the money after I called you out just prior to your article. After all, we all know you never read this blog.

Losing faith in your integrity as a reporter would be more strain than this uninformed knucklehead's heart could bare.

I contacted you twice for the money. On August 5th you said "I'll probably send it out in the next couple of days."

Show us the submission date of your article


BTW The rest of your article was a bunch of BS. It clearly shows you have no idea about the mechanics of the CPA or the Green School Process that occurred with the oil spill. You also have no Clarkin' idea what pool of funds the money was collected. Trust me, if you had asked the same group you would have come up with next to nothing.

Family Guy said...

Been awhile Bozo since I have signed on but the BB situation today was just too much. I just knew Suo would have something to say. Some have been critical of Suo for his focus on BB. I guess you can add "Ratfink" Hal to that list but both of them should be cheered for the job of detailing what a bundle of BS this guy is. I love the timeline as he gets the chcek in the mail just before his column is printed. Just the long list of mis adventures of BB is a thing of beauty. Does he ever stop Clarking up?

Now why does the Gazette even bother with his ramblings? What is the purpose? Is it to show how bad we really could be with BB and his ilk given any degree of influence?

Family Guy said...

By the way I like the new look. Looks like you could just link any blog of BB and MR for Idiot Post Of The Week.

Unknown said...

this stuff is too funny. belanger name calls and makes nasty comments and gets his undies all bunched up when he gets it thrown back in his face. the stuff with hal and indian country is classic. belanger's defense is everyone cheats so i can too. next stop for BB is to replace jayson blair at the NYT

bogofree said...

Jayson Blair - now that is funny!

chica said...

I have had an enjoyable summer and this is my first with a real garden that extends beyond just the usual crops. Excellent corn.

I have not scanned any blogs but when I signed on and saw the Bellicose and Hal issues I checked out their blogs thanks to the sidebar links. I enjoy this since in my opinion both are cyber bullies.

Anonymous said...

Now this is comical stuff.

Google News Alert for: middleboro casino

Mashpee chairman's photo sparks pro- and anti-casino blogger battle
Indian Country Today - Canastota,NY,USA

7, with the comment, “I nearly peed my pants when I saw this photo of would-be Middleboro casino tycoon and Mashpee Wampanoag leader Cedric Cromwell seen ...

bogofree said...

I'll send BB some of my Depends.

Hal Brown said...

The story in Indian Country Today would had been longer had Gale Corey Toensing waited one more day. She then would have been able to write about BB's "Hal rats me out" diatribe against me and my response.

I'm waiting for him to correct his accusation that I used copyrighted photos in Capitol Hill Blue without permission, for him to remove the photo of me he used without permission, and for him to use the photo of Cedric Cromwell he never got permission to use.


I know some of you refuse to 009/08/hal-rats-me-out.html">read BB's blog but his rant about me is a classic.

Hal Brown said...

The story in Indian Country Today would had been longer had Gale Corey Toensing waited one more day. She then would have been able to write about BB's "Hal rats me out" diatribe against me and my response.

I'm waiting for him to correct his accusation that I used copyrighted photos in Capitol Hill Blue without permission, for him to remove the photo of me he used without permission, and for him to use the photo of Cedric Cromwell he never got permission to use.


I know some of you refuse to Read BB's blog009/08/hal-rats-me-out.html"> but his rant about me is a classic.

Previous deleted due to link code error.

Family Guy said...

I thought the exchange was beautiful and I loved the fact BB got hammered by using Hal's photo without permission.

I have no problem with street photography but the other stuff might be a bit over the top and a polite response to stop should be met with a polite response to do so.

I happen to be a long time casino supporter so I'll tend to agree with Hal's take and love it when BB and his group look just plain stupid. BB has a long history of crase comments and this is just another example as if I recall Hal managed a last dig about making a response without name calling. Suo has documented one after another that are still somewhere in this blog and certainly show a clear pattern of someone who shoots first and thinks later.

Hal Brown said...

Family Guy,

I do try not to respond in kind to people who attack me on the blogs. Yes, my last comment could be considered a dig, but I think he would do well to consider not resorting to name calling.

Chica's comment troubles me because I don't consider myself to be a cyber bully, especially at the same level as BB and others.

If there are specific examples of this I'd like them pointed out. I promise to be as self-critical as possible and own up to it if there's a reasonable case to be made for this accusation.

bogofree said...

Hal's response was well crafted and certainly would win on points. But I'm sure a BB retort is in the works so stay tuned.

I'm not worried about BB getting upset with my comments or others since he does not read my blog.

bogofree said...

I can't speak for other posters, Hal, but my opinion is her reference is to the body of work and not specifics. In that context each of us could certainly be classified as "bullies." Just look at my title and some of the links.

Unknown said...

posting unflattering pictures of people is cyber bullying.

Hal Brown said...

"posting unflattering pictures of people is cyber bullying."

As promised, my honest answer (though a specific example would help):

I strongly disagree. A photo whether flattering or not is real. It makes a statement just the way honest words do. How can somebody be bullied with the truth?

If I have two photos, one flattering and the other not, I may choose the later to illustrate a point or show how I feel.

Even if I accept this as a form of cyber bullying I think you do a disservice to those who are really hurt by online bullies to extend the meaning to include anything I do.

I'm also posting this on my blog.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bogofree said...

What I notice about photos is when someone writes a story - say a news opinion piece you can often tell the direction the story is going in by the photo being posted.

Being a dead ringer look alike for a younger Robert Redford I cannot have a bad photo.

Hal Brown said...

Of course, bogo, that's why certain photos are selected. But you know that.

To illustrate your point click here and check out the photos in an article in today's New York Times, especially the first one. Click to enlarge to see the kids in the background.

I wonder if anyone gave permission to publish these rather unflattering photos of their children. I rather doubt a parent would like their obese child seen by thousands of NYT readers. I wouldn't.

The photos are certainly part of the story, but were the photographer and writer rude in using them and if so was the rudeness justified?

(I posted this on my blog where people can also comment. I assume parallel posting is okay with you.)

Family Guy said...

A quote from Bumpkin.

"It's very hurtful to be ridiculed in public. It's one thing to goof around in private - but different when it's done in a public arena."

Here is a clue for you and that is exactly who brought this upone themselves? Do you think your name calling and support of those like Jessie actually is not hurtful? You view this issue as a one way street and it is not. Do you actually think some of those columns of yours do not offend?

Here is the bottom line with Hal. Yes, I do consider his nailing you and that is what he did, a low blow, but he was correct. You did make a violation and it has not been your first.

bogofree said...


I have no problem with parallel posting and encourage it.

Sometimes folks do not read my blog but will read yours or others. I have links to all the local blogs of note.

Seems to me the core issue is one of was something posted without permission. I know I have certainly done that in the past and it is quite common on sports boards to "lift" entire sections of articles. Mostly it is just something that is ignored like a 65MPH speed limit but can be enforceable.

Suo Mynona said...


Does BB really think he is as neighborly and kind as Mr. Rogers?

He has insulted all of us for two years and we are now supposed to feel sorry for BB since he has said:

"It's very hurtful to be ridiculed in public. It's one thing to goof around in private - but different when it's done in a public arena." (TALK ABOUT HYPOCRISY)

BB, you started all of this and you continue to constantly ridicule people. Remember your "cheap seats" rap song? You could have made your VALID point and been FAR less hurtful. But you decided to take the ridicule and hurtful route though.

Are you going to stop insulting and making hurtful comments about Middleboro residents, whom you just said are "a bunch of uninformed numbskulls.."?

Anonymous said...


This comment has to be voted Funniest of 2009..

Anonymous said...

From the president on down..

Anti-gambling groups have been known to utter some fairly irresponsible and unfounded statements to rally their troops, and the Massachusetts lobby is trying for new heights. Richard Young, the president of Casino Free Mass, was quoted by the Boston Herald as saying slot machines are the equivalent of heroin.

The number of scientific citations and studies referred by Young to back his statement came to exactly zero. While disputing the claims of surveys and studies issued by gaming companies, Young produced nothing more than inflamed rhetoric to back his dubious statements.

Young told state legislators they need to scrutinize the "insidious design, technology and marketing of slot machines." Apparently Young thinks slots are marketed with designs of increasing sales and manipulating consumers, unlike such all-American products as Happy Meals at McDonald's, complete with the latest Disney figures.

Chelsea city manager Jay Ash, speaking for the resurgent casino coalition in the state, said, 'Casino opponents are afraid of a fair hearing for casinos among legislators. There has been a renewed discussion about the merits of gambling and they’re tossing lots of misinformation around to see what will stick.”

The heroin comparison may backfire on anti-casino forces, as Massachusetts voters see through the unsupported zealotry and cast ballots for casino jobs and gambling revenue at their first opportunity.

Suo Mynona said...

I believe -- with nothing to back it up other than empirical observation -- that slot machines and scratch tickets are very similar in nature. The chase if easy instant winnings has a very strong allure.

Rich Young is consistent: Casino Free Mass. I respect that (as I said in my earlier posts about NIMBYISM)


I can't wait to get my root canal tomorrow. The only thing relieving the tooth pain is BB's ridiculous comment

Hal Brown said...

Suo, good luck with the root canal. Speaking of hard narcotics, maybe you can as the dentist for oxy.

If Rich Young knows anything about heroin addiction and heroin addicts, and by the way I do, he should know that the addictions are very different. I worked for several months in an inner city drug treatment program.

Heroin produces a mellow sleepy euphoria and is addictive to everyone who uses it for even a brief period. It is a depressant, i.e. a downer.

Most people who play slots and tickets don't get addicted. Slots and scratch tickets produce a high that if anything is more like cocaine which is a CNS stimulant causing exhilaration and euphoria. That's what slots and scratch tickets do.

bogofree said...

I play slots when I go to a casino but with a pre set limit for my losses. Rare is the occasion when my paltry contribution goes the other way.

I play the lottery scratch tickets and keep track. When I lose $500 in a year I quit. So far I have never come close to that and generally end up with a slight advantage. Why? I limit what I purchase to $20 a week on one specific day and when I win I take the money. Most buy more tickets.

Somehow I can't imagine someone hooked on horse or coke doing a limit. However, I can understand the addictive nature of lottery games and slots.

I watched a parade briefly today on TV and had no idea of what it was but there was a float from the Ohio Lottery with kids on the float and a banner saying how much the lottery contributed to Ohio education (702 Mil). I found the use of kids on the float and - my assumption - adult educators aboard rather bizarre.

What is it with BB and writing? He blasted Suo's writing skills and Hal's. Both are superior in their usage while I am a very poor wordsmith. This reminds me all too much of those who would make fun of Limo over his abilities. It was not the construction but the content that was important.

I had a root canal done once and was surprised at how simple it really was. I was expecting all sorts of torture and pain and the procedure went well. Of course I compare everything to kidney stones so that has something to do with it.

Hal Brown said...

I understand that the pain of childbirth for most women make all us men look like whining woosycats.

I'd be screaming More Morphine!

I know that passing a stone is excruciating. Among other pains at that level are some migraines. One of the worst pains is cluster headache, know to lead to suicide.

I read once that getting gut shot is no picnic.

Of course people with some terminal cancers are in such pain the beg to be put out of their misery.

The worst long lasting pain I ever had was a severe sunburn as a kid, a few probably non-migraine pounding headaches in my 20's and the worst acute pain was a prostate biopsy.

Nice to post about something cheerful instead of the latest BB and Hal drama.

anonymous said...

Thanks, Hal, for making my day! How about reading BB and JP? Now that is painful.

Family Guy said...

The following were comments gathered in at the BB blog. Boy oh boy has Hal got under their very thin skins! LMCAO!

All this equals a sad little man that hides behind his camera.

you forgot what Hal didnt condem when it was his cross dressing friends.

Because he is so darn ugly! Public figure or not.

Ofensive little man!

What a boobie.

Hal has no life or sense of humer.

Don't let the worm get under your skin, he isn't worth it.

. It was just foolish for him to report you and it just prove he is a little, petty individual.

Hal is an annoying man whose diminutive stature leaves him with no choice but to insult and intimidate others in order for him to bolster his ego and feel superior to others.

Hal Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hal Brown said...

comment above to correct typos

I could say those comments were rude, but then that would be rude of me now, wouldn't it?.

I located the photos from that 2007 Town Hall ballroom meeting on my computer. I did some tweaking to the photos on Heckuva and added two new ones. One is of the police. Now you can enlarge them to full screen.

I also found the originals of the photos before I cropped them to take the woman hiding her face out.

I get no respect for being considerate to her and not posting the full photo. How's this for my Rodney Dangerfield?

Unknown said...

it is damn rude hal. you do have the legal right, but you should appreciate how your actions can negatively affect the average person. you have created a time when no one in town can anonymously go outside and expect you will not post a picture of them when it serves your purpose. sugarcoat it any way you want it is rude.

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever see a slot machine players arms look like this?

The president would have had to try and experience both slots and heroin addictions to come to the conclusion they are related.

Hal Brown said...

it is damn rude hal. you do have the legal right, but you should appreciate how your actions can negatively affect the average person. you have created a time when no one in town can anonymously go outside and expect you will not post a picture of them when it serves your purpose. sugarcoat it any way you want it is rude.

Like the pictures I posted of the the Rotary Club Arts and Crafts Fair and the Town Hall Concert? What was wrong with posting photos of people watching the church fire?

How is my taking a series of photos and publishing them different than Peter Skro (albeit that he's an unpaid professional newspaper photographer) taking just as many photos but because of the limitations of The Gazette only being able to have a few at most published?

We are both chronicling the life of the town. Is that sugar coating something?

While there may be a very rare instance that a person fears that somebody may stumble across their photo and discover they live in Middleboro, I truly don't see how my taking photos negatively effect the average person.

As for my taking photos of the audience at meetings and rallies that is part of documenting a story. Newspapers and television do the same thing.

Somebody who didn't know better reading what you wrote might think I spend every waking hour roaming the town taking pictures. That is patently false. I pass through town going to the Y or to have a meal, shop or do errands.

It seems to me that a small group of people for reasons of their own are jumping on the rude photography issue in an effort to disparage me. Why else would they be using the words and phrases to describe me that Family Guy posted from the BB Blog?

Why else would my repeated explanations of the different kinds of street photography fall on deaf ears.

It is because those looking to condemn or discredit me because of local politics. They have no interest in any explanation.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

RE: Anon 8:29

I know just what your talking about! I get the same feelings when JP'S around..

MT just sucks the soul out of you.

AB and VB just make ya want to puke.

CPL makes you want to hide your kids.

Etc etc...

bogofree said...

My wife says she gets the same feeling around me.

mildly said...

Do you really think it was appropriate to take up the valuable time of police officers to "protect your constitutional rights" to take photos of people who objected? That's not street photography; that's public disruption. Geesh, next thing you'll be crashing wakes to photograph and publish formerly public people in their coffins. It's not your politics that annoys people, it's your flagrant attention seeking. Get over yourself.

Unknown said...

what you are saying is nothing more than self justification. it has absolutely nothing to do with disparaging you or your politics.

i have been around people that you have made uncomfortable because you have posted a picture of them. is that hard for you understand?

you brag about your powerful telephoto lens.

when i see you i turn the other way. i don't want you to get to know me because of your camera. is it really that hard for you to understand and sympathize that it gives some people the creeps?

it has nothing to do with you. it has everything to with your intrusive actions others feelings.

you and bb are both believe you are doing the town some great service. NOT

Unknown said...

the above post was anonymous
August 31, 2009 8:29 AM
August 31, 2009 8:35 AM

Anonymous said...

Red shirt,big black glasses and those infamous shorts. style 07-09

How would we know whats in style without hals photos.

Anonymous said...

Quote of the day..

"Is this how civilized people act? Educated people at that?"

Its always the educated amongst us that screw it up for the rest of us... LOL.

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